LACNIC Inforedes

Información acerca de recursos de numeración de Internet utilizando RIPEstat. Ingrese una dirección o prefijo IPv4, IPv6 o un ASN para obtener información sobre routing, conectividad, RPKI y otra información útil para operadores de red. Por cualquier consulta o sugerencia escríbenos.


Tu red: AS16509

Prueba alguno de estos ejemplos: Prefijo IPv4, Prefijo IPv6, Rango IPv4, ASN

Prefix Overview (2804:4558:c003::/48)

Routing information (RIS)
  • Is not visible as exact match
  • 1 more/less-specific prefixes are visible
This prefix is part of 2804:4558::/32 announced by:
  • AS266920 -RPKI Status:

    "Globofiber Telecom"
RIR information:

Mostrando los resultados para 2804:4558::/32 a partir de 2025-01-25 16:00:00 UTC
  • Given resource is not announced but result has been aligned to first-level less-specific (2804:4558::/32).

Maxmind GeoLite (2804:4558:c003::/48)

Created with Highcharts 5.0.60255075100Zoom in+Zoom out-BRBR

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
Mostrando los resultados para 2804:4558:c003::/48 a partir de 2025-01-24 12:45:51 UTC

Whois (2804:4558:c003::/48)

  • We had trouble communicating with the "" backend. The problem may be resolved by reloading the widget. If it persists, we will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Routing Status (2804:4558:c003::/48)

  • 2804:4558:c003::/48 was never globally visible as exact match in BGP by any of the RIS peers since beginning of 2004.

Covering less-specific prefix: 2804:4558::/32 (announced by AS266920)

Configuraciones Avanzadas

Mostrando los resultados para 2804:4558:c003::/48 a partir de 2025-01-25 16:00:00 UTC